Monday, August 5, 2013

Long Time, No Post ::

... It's been a while... and because of that I struggle with where to start, but I know that I have to start somewhere. Better to take action to help find the motivation than wait for the motivation to then take action. If we follow the latter, often times things are left undone.  At least that's been the case for me... 

However, though I haven't posted, I have been active :) I have completed a couple of items on my list and have a few new tasks under way. Please stand by/be on the look out for some posts within the next couple days detailing my 5k run and my insights on The Chronicles of Narnia series. I am excited to share stories, pictures and reflections from both! 

It's a wonderful feeling having my goals in sight, and then pressing through to accomplish them. I would highly encourage you to write down few of your dreams, regardless of what age they are turning, and begin shooting for them! There is something incredible that happens inside a person when they achieve a goal they have always wanted. It's definitely a feeling I can live with. 

Okay, stand by for the posts to come! And, as always, thank you for believing! 

H :: 

1 comment:

alicia said...

Can't wait to hear about them!!