That's my girl. ;) Caitlin and I have the "big girl" jobs in the house. Meaning, we get up every morning before the sun rises to get ready to go into our offices by 7 a.m. Because of this, we have developed a little routine in the mornings. While she makes her breakfast, I grab my coffee, put on my coat and get situated before I walk to the bus. But before I leave, Caitlin and I always hug. In our house, we believe firmly in the daily hug quota (well, at least Caitlin and I do; we practice it the most). Therefore, Caitlin and I try to hug each other at least 7 times a day. Hugs are proven to be good for your health. Since you can't always hug your coworkers, I wait until I get home where I know my Caitlin's arms await me. And man, oh man, do we have some great hugs (they usually involve her cracking my back. Delightful!)
BUT... this week, I have been spicing up our routine by singing Caitlin and inspirational morning song. Not an actual song, just one I make up. It's usually just the words "good morning, Caitlin" repeated several times to whatever goofy melody that comes into my brain. Caitlin stands there and stares at me, blank faced, no coffee in her system yet, and then starts to giggle. Without fail, as we embrace, she tells me: "You're a goober." Which... let's be honest, is true. I am!
But today Caitlin blessed me!! As I sang my song to her she told me of another song - a legitimate song - that reminds her of me. I told her to send it my way and she did. I was falling asleep on my bus ride into work this morning and when my head snapped back up, I thought, "Okay, I need some energy, let me watch this music video." Oh, I am so glad I did. I instantly perked up watching this kindred spirit shake his tail feather, getting other people (of all kinds) inspired to to do the same. I instantly became HAPPY and now I can't stop smiling. :)
But ,Caitlin, you did too.
Caitlin, you are awesome.
I treasure the ways you see me and know me and that I remind you of JOY. Thank you for seeing traces of me in this bee-boppin' music video. That makes me feel tremendously loved! You knew this would make my heart glow and it did! Get ready for the dance party that you know is coming. ;)
To all those reading, I hope that today, and every day, you feel HAPPY, that you feel like a room without a roof. And if you are struggling with joy in today that you remember the reasons why you ought to smile and still can despite the heartaches you face. Those reasons for joy are always surrounding us if we only take the time and have the courage to look for them.
Happiness to you!
:: "Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof." ::
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