Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What Should I Do for My 30th? ::

Have a party?

Do something quiet?

My best friend who lives in London is having an awesome blow out (I wish I could go). I am always down to shake my booty, but alas, I am not quite sure that is the path I want to go down. It's going to be on a Friday and I am definitely going into work. I have an exclusive May 2nd birthday club that I have to partake in. But other than that, I am at a loss. 

:: What did you do for your 30th birthday? 
What would you do if your 30th hasn't come yet? ::

Post a comment and give me suggestions or tell me stories... I am trying to decide and I need inspiration! ;) I look forward to hearing what you guys share!



Susanna said...

Hmmmmm - "big blow out" might be an exaggeration. Haven't found a venue yet and facebook RSVPs are not living up to my expectations. Don't people realize this is going to be the event of the decade!? Wish you could be here to celebrate with me!

Hannah Mae said...

They clearly DON'T realize. If only I were there... I wouldn't care if it was just me and you, I would be content. :) Because I know there would be some booty shaking. :) Well, if I were on facebook, I would rally the people to your birthday cause.

p to the s. What do you want for your 30th? ;) hehe email me. :-p

Anonymous said...

I would call what I did a blowout...I rented a house in Newport and invited 8 ladies. It was THE BEST birthday I have ever had.

If you're staying in town, I would say shaking your booty is a great idea...I know there aren't tons of places but I bet you could find one that suits you. There's also the silly route - glow in the dark indoor putt putt, going to a hash for the first time (which would technically be the night before your birthday), finding a cool show...I got a million ideas. :)


Hannah Mae said...

Becky, I love that you post on my blog. Have I told you that yet? ;)

That's funny that you mention renting a room - I am thinking of doing that at Skamania. And my sister will be in town, so... :) But my bday is a Friday, so there will probably be a happy hour. Don't worry - your presence will be required. And nice addition about the Hash. I saw that ;)We will discuss. Love ya! H