Friday, July 12, 2013

The Muses Have Spoken ::

I have officially showcased my list to my motivational muses, Alicia and Katie. Their responses were so classic, I felt compelled to share them with anyone who will listen.

Alicia immediately printed the list off, took me to get coffee and proceeded to lead a strategy meeting about every single item on my list. She plans to do as many tasks as she can with me. That's refreshing. There is solidarity and encouragement in numbers... and above all, accountability. I will definitely need that in order to stay in the game. In addition to addressing approach, Alicia also volunteered Brooke's talents to assist me with several of my tasks. Brooke, being Brooke, acquiesced with ease. With about ten months to go, I feel confident that I am going to rock this list and that it can be accomplished.

... Despite Katie Langner's response. Oh, my beautiful Katie, you are ever the optimist and I would have you be no other way. Her response was so wonderful that I gleefully cackled aloud at my desk. Yesterday, in my freshly blogged bliss, I emailed Katie the link thinking, "She will be so touched by my words of affection for her and so impressed with my list." Silly, Hannah; expectations are for kids. Katie sent me a one line response: "Your list is insane." I laughed so loud my chair shook. Then I responded how any overzealous woman would: "Bring it. Insane as my list is, I am undeterred." Katie then replied with words of wisdom (which often happens with Katie, post controversial statement): "It is a good list. However insane it is. Don't be afraid to "fail." I know I wasn't. I merely changed my list at the end to reflect reality (HA)." Katie, no one knows how to make me smile quite like you and no one knows how to challenge me either. Again, I thank you.

However, I have decided to not change my list no matter the circumstances at the end. I am going to do this. And if I "fail", at least I "fail" while fighting and trying. And then the next challenge comes: to accept reality. For me, in reality there is no failing when one tries. I've learned that to attempt is better than to resent and to increase in activity is healthier than resigning in passivity. No, I will fight. I will try. And then in the end, I will accept and bravely face all that acceptance holds for me. Acceptance is the road less traveled and that's simply just the kind of girl I am.

I like to pretend as though I am not an abundantly cheesy person, but that is a lie. I love cliches and quotes. I am sappy and sentimental; I love to gush; I love to love. Thus, when I recently emailed my family with the link to this blog, I told them that I plan to shoot for the stars and if I miss, I'll still land among the clouds... and that can't be too bad. ;) At least I will be cozy and warm with a few accomplishments under my belt. But in addition, along the way I will have grown. I will have changed and created a few really good memories. And if I am really fortunate, I will have inspired a few others too. Are our goals and dreams merely for ourselves? I think not. There is always someone else who can benefit.

Here's to aiming high!

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Couple of Quid Pro Quo's

Adendums, Privos & Quid Pro Quo's::

1) From here on out, I will refer to my list 30 before 30 list as "3B3" instead of typing the whole title out. Saves time and energy. So know the code.

2) Number 30 on my list, by far is my hardest task. Therefore, because I may chicken out, I may change it. But maybe if you are really participating in this adventure with me you won't let me.

3) I will update things as they are accomplished and checked off, so be on the look out.

4) I will add more rules as I see fit later on ;)

The end. (for now)

5) I am adding "Call Bob Goff", author of Love Does, to #26 on my list. I need his whimsy.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hannah's 30before30 List ::

1) Become a Civil War buff

2) Become comfortable on Guitar

3) Stomp Grapes into wine

4) Run a 5k & a Half Marathon

5) Compose a Soundtrack of my Life

6) Create, Establish & Maintain a Blog

7) Write something significant and get it published.

8) Become a wine buff

9) Go to Bend

10) Go to Crater Lake

11) Accomplish the first Two Steps of Financial Peace University

12) Give away 30 things I don’t need but have been holding on to

13) Write 5 short stories

14) Try all the food carts in downtown Portland

15) Write 30 cards to 30 people for 30 days straight

16) Bike to work successfully all summer capping off with competing in Bike to Work Challenge

17) Jump back into a ballet, Barre 3 or Pilates again for 3 months

18) Go to Mt. Hood - see Timberline Lodge & eat breakfast at the Cascade Dining Room

19) Decorate the walls in my room

20) Be an extra on Grimm

21) Become confident at Knitting

22) Make clothes out of the old ones I have

23) Watch the Godfather Trilogy

24) Finish the Chronicles of Narnia Series

25) Buy my own Hebrew Bible & translate Ecclesiastes

26) Write Stephen Carter a letter

27) Write my mom a thank you card every month with a new thing I am grateful for in her

28) Learn Calligraphy

29) Go to BEANTOWN aka Boston

30) Finish my play

The Beginning::

I blame this blog on two people.

The first is Alicia Harvey, my fiery red-headed friend who came into my life within the last six months with such ease that I can't believe she hasn't always been there. She's sassy, smart, sexy and fun; we clicked instantly. During those first magical months of new found friendship I turned 29. We celebrated the day of my birth with drinks. I told her and Brooke (another new, but ever dear friend who introduced me to Alicia) of my latest, lofty exploit: I was going to create (and complete) a "30 before 30" list. They looked at me with puzzled faces. "What's a "30 before 30 list?" they asked. So I told them what it was with vigor and passion. "It's 30 things that a person wants to accomplish before they turn 30 years of age; It's a way of marking the milestone!" These stunning women had already achieved this benchmark year, and though they had no list themselves at the time, they each celebrated their arrival into the 30's in an unforgettable way. I had a feeling that polling them to get their opinion on the list would be a good idea and I was right. Being the kindred spirits that they are, they instantly latched on to the idea stating that it was "a must". Thus, they were in full support and before I knew it, they were signing up to do several of the activities on my list. This meant one unfortunate thing however: I could not back out. And though I hadn't learned this about Alicia yet, I most certainly couldn't back out now that I had told her of my designs. Alicia pushed and prodded day in and day out. "Have you finalized the list yet? Have you started your blog yet? You need to do this. It's important; you need to do this for yourself." Hesitant as I was about starting this journey, I knew that she was right (I know you love that statement, Leesh)... So here I sit, two months later, beginning my blog and revealing my final list to all those I love. In part, because I believe in the challenge and in part because I need the red head to pipe down. ;)

The second person I blame this blog on is my ever witty and controversial friend, Katie Langner. Katie is also a dear friend and Katie gets me. We met at seminary two years ago and wandered it's labyrinth together. She has found her way out; I haven't just yet. But during her last year at seminary, she told me all about her "30 before 30" list. In the same way that Brooke and Alicia were lost when I first posed the idea to them, so was I when Katie first mentioned it to me. To help flesh the concept out, she asked me to tag a long with her as she visited several different pubs all over the Portland metro area (one of the tasks on her list). Along the way she explained the list and kept trying to convince me of it's merits. In my pride, I felt as though I wouldn't need that before I turned 30. But Katie knows one very valuable fact about me: I am an overachiever. She knows I love goals, dreams, and lists; she knows I am perfectionist. And she knows I strive towards accomplishment in as many areas of life as I possible. Katie, you, also, are right - a list like this is perfect for women like us, women with outrageous ambitions who are never satisfied to stay the same. There are things in my heart that I feel I need to do before I reach the of age of thirty - things for myself and things for others. And so it's because of you that I am living into my list. Thank you. You make me brave.

Alicia, Katie... you ladies rock my world. I dedicate this blog to you and to all the other gorgeous, ambitious, talented and strong women who have influenced my life for the better. Each of you have made me tougher, wiser, more patient and more kind. Every day ought to be an adventure; I believe that firmly from the depths of my being. I wake up every morning seeking ways to enter into the great story I believe in and all the whimsical beauty that it holds for me. And though I have this list, my quest is really not about the list at all. This list is just a launching pad off of which I seek to rise into the best parts of myself, the parts that God intends me to walk in. This list is simply a starting point... It's merely the beginning... for I will always dream, always challenge myself. I will always seek to love deeper, stronger, better. I will always choose to grow.... because I just can't imagine living any other way. 

Welcome to my journey, all! I guarantee it will be wild! 

Love, H ::